Thursday 17 May 2012

Trouble with my neck

Went training last night at Kixx , two classes Pushing hands and Wuzuquan.
I have to say I'm struggling a bit in the classes at the moment due to a problem with my spine which is causing a lot of pain in my left arm and side . I have osteoartyritis of the cervical spine sometimes called cervical  Spondylosis ,which means i have a huge pain in the neck!
I'm waiting for more surgery on my neck at C6/7  (called a Cervical foraminotomy), due to take place on the 23rd July 20012 at King collage hospital in London .Iv already had two surgery's done there in the past (Anterior cervical discectomy with fusion "ACDF" C5/6 & C6/7 ). I cant say I'm looking forward to the surgery but the time off work dose sound nice, it should be about 6-8 weeks. Hopefully it will sort out my neck so i can get back to some proper training again. Its very difficult trying to train with an arm that always herts and is very weak , it feels like iv done a thousand one arm push ups all the time! ( I'm having a whinge session ) .
That's enough of feeling sorry for myself .

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